Meertens Chartered Accountants

Meertens is a firm dedicated to the areas of Solvency Management, Insolvency and Administration. The firm has an exceptional wealth of experience in Insolvency and Administration, underpinned by founding and senior partner, Austin Taylor, recognised as a senior and experienced insolvency practitioner. Meertens have offices in Adelaide and Darwin, and associates elsewhere in Australia and overseas. Experience with a broad range of small, medium, large and complex businesses, Meertens partners and staff are all seasoned practitioners and recognised as so in their field.

Fabric, Art + Craft Professional Services Located in Adelaide + Gay's Arcade
112 - 118 Grenfell Street
Adelaide SA 5000
0447 962 358
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Professional Services
68 Grenfell Street
Adelaide SA 5000
Education + Training Professional Services
80 King William Street
Adelaide SA 5000
(08) 8233 0999
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